Agriculture News

Cash cattle prices jump to an all-time high for a fourth straight week.
The contracts are slated to start Feb. 24, pending regulatory approval
Soybean sales during the week ended Jan. 23 were down 71% from the previous week, missing analysts’ pre-report range. Corn and wheat sales were as expected
Corn and soybean futures pulled back from Wednesday’s strong gains overnight, while wheat pivoted around unchanged.
Corn basis firmed despite a strong rise in the average cash price.
Corn, soybeans and wheat built on Tuesday’s price gains during the overnight session.
After facing followthrough selling earlier in the overnight session, corn, soybeans and wheat are modestly firmer and trading near session highs this morning.
Weekly wheat inspections during the week ended Jan. 23 rose 223,000 MT, topping pre-report expectations, while soybean inspections missed pre-report expectations, falling 250,000 MT from the previous week. Corn inspections declined 295,000 MT.
Corn, soybeans and wheat opened the week under pressure. Livestock futures are higher...
Short-term trend turns bearish for U.S. dollar