Agriculture News

Weekly corn and soybean sales during the week ended Aug. 15 each topped pre-report expectations at 1.3 MMT and 1.7 MMT, respectively.
Observations from Bren Judish on Day 3 of the Pro Farmer Crop Tour.
Observations from Day 3 of the eastern leg of Crop Tour.
Chip Flory has a quick take on day 3 results from the Pro Farmer Crop Tour.
Observations from Day 3 of the eastern leg of Crop Tour.
Scouts measured average corn yield potential of 204.14 bu. per acre for Illinois. Pod counts in a 3’x3’ square averaged 1419.11.
Scouts took samples from Iowa districts 1, 4 and 7. Iowa’s full results will be posted at the end of day 4.
Preliminary results from Tour leaders and consultants on the eastern and western legs.
Observations from Day 2 of the eastern leg of Crop Tour.
Perspective and observations on the Nebraska corn and soybean crops from Brent Judish.