Agriculture News
Corn, soybeans and wheat traded lower overnight in continuation of price pressure from late last week.
Weekly corn and soybean sales during the week ended Aug. 15 each topped pre-report expectations at 1.3 MMT and 1.7 MMT, respectively.
Observations from Bren Judish on Day 3 of the Pro Farmer Crop Tour.
Observations from Day 3 of the eastern leg of Crop Tour.
Chip Flory has a quick take on day 3 results from the Pro Farmer Crop Tour.
Observations from Day 3 of the eastern leg of Crop Tour.
Scouts measured average corn yield potential of 204.14 bu. per acre for Illinois. Pod counts in a 3’x3’ square averaged 1419.11.
Scouts took samples from Iowa districts 1, 4 and 7. Iowa’s full results will be posted at the end of day 4.
Preliminary results from Tour leaders and consultants on the eastern and western legs.
Observations from Day 2 of the eastern leg of Crop Tour.
Perspective and observations on the Nebraska corn and soybean crops from Brent Judish.