Agriculture News

Corn, soybean and wheat export inspections during the week ended June 6, each notched a weekly decline, with soybean inspections marking the greatest drop, down 130,215 MT from the previous week.
Short-term trend turns sideways for corn, live cattle and feeders.
Corn and soybean futures trade on both sides of unchanged overnight but have firmed and are near session highs this morning. Wheat faced followthrough selling overnight.
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Winter wheat futures faced moderate to heavy selling pressure overnight, while milder losses were posted in corn, soybeans and spring wheat.
Our updated monthly and quarterly price forecasts.
Weekly corn sales during the week ended May 30, rose 46% from the previous week and 41% from the four-week average. Meanwhile, new-crop wheat sales topped pre-report expectations by 117,000 MT.
Corn and soybean futures were supported by corrective buying overnight, while wheat pivoted around unchanged.
Basis firmed for corn, soybeans and wheat as cash prices dropped sharply.
Corn, soybeans and wheat held in relatively tight trading ranges during a quiet overnight session.