Agriculture News
Despite falling 155,000 MT from the previous week, soybean inspections remained strong during the week ended Oct. 24, landing near the top-end of analysts’ pre-report expectations. Corn and wheat inspections also declined and were near low-end estimates.
Pre-report expectations ranging from 2.2 MMT to 3.3 MMT indicated analysts expected huge corn sales during the week ended Oct. 17, though net sales topped the range by 300,000 MT. Soybean sales were also notable at 2.15 MMT.
The report highlights economic condition across the 12 Fed districts.
Corn and soybeans built on Wednesday’s corrective gains overnight, while the wheat market traded on both sides of unchanged.
Corn and soybean basis improved over the past week.
Corn and soybeans pulled back overnight from corrective gains the two previous days, while wheat more than erased Tuesday’s price strength.
Corn, soybeans and wheat traded on both sides of unchanged while holding in relatively tight ranges during the overnight session.
Weekly corn and soybean inspections during the week ended Oct. 17 rose solidly from the previous week, each landing near the upper-end of pre-report expectations. Wheat inspections declined over 100,000 MT, missing analysts’ range of expectations.
Grain and soybean futures open the week mildly higher on light corrective buying.
Short-term trend turns bearish for corn and soybeans.
Corn, soybeans and wheat mildly rebounded overnight from poor closes last Friday.