Agriculture News

Wheat inspections led the weekly increase, rising 168,623 MT, while soybean inspections exceeded pre-report estimates. Corn inspections were just short of topping analysts’ pre-report range.
Basis drops for corn and soybeans as cash prices rise.
Varied tone in grains overnight.
Beans firmer, corn and wheat weaker overnight.
The spring wheat CCI rating slipped a little.
Wheat inspections during the week ended July 18 slid 383,000 MT from the previous week, falling short of pre-report expectations.
Soybeans are sharply higher with milder gains in corn and wheat. Cattle futures are sharply higher to open the week and lean hogs are mildly favoring the upside...
No changes to short, intermediate or long-term trends.
Grains solidly higher overnight to open the week.
Pro Farmer editors provide daily updates on advice, including if now is a good time to catch up on cash sales.
Data was mostly neutral, though the placements figure may support deferred live cattle futures.