Agriculture News
Corn, soybeans and wheat mildly favored the downside overnight, but selling was limited and markets are trading high-range early this morning.
One in Five Grain Farmers Expected to Experience 2025 Negative Cash Flow
Drought removal or no drought is expected over SRW wheat areas and the PNW.
Corn sales during the week ended Jan. 9 totaled 1.02 MMT, while exports notched a marketing-year high. Wheat sales topped expectations by more than 100,000 MT.
Grain markets traded lower overnight, led by double-digit losses in soybeans.
Cash corn and soybean prices rose sharply over the past week.
Corn and soybeans rebounded from Tuesday’s losses overnight, while wheat faced light selling pressure.
Corn, soybeans and wheat mildly pulled back from recent strong gains during the overnight session.
Weekly corn inspections rose a notable 563,792 MT during the week ended Jan. 9, topping pre-report expectations while soybean inspections rose modestly. Wheat inspections fell 123,000 MT on the week.