Your Pro Farmer newsletter (June 26, 2021) is now available!

Inside you’ll find weather updates, both sides of the livestock pricing issue, an update on an infrastructure deal and market-by-market analysis and marketing advice.

Pro Farmer - June 26, 2021
Pro Farmer - June 26, 2021

Traders removed weather premium from corn futures as much of the Corn Belt received or is expected to receive rain near-term. But around a third of the Belt has missed out, including some key production areas. Besides weather, we also preview USDA’s June 30 Acreage and Grain Stocks Reports, cover USDA’s latest H&P Report and take a look at both sides of the livestock pricing issue. Also of note, a deal was reached on infrastructure, but getting to the finish line could be a struggle given Democratic caveats. Access this week’s letter here.