Weekly export inspections as expected

Corn inspections during the week ended Feb. 27 rose 185,000 MT from the previous week and landed near the upper end of analysts’ pre-report range. Wheat inspections rose modestly, while soybean inspections declined 183,000 MT.

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Weekly Export Inspections Report
(Chip Flory)

USDA’s Weekly Grain Export Inspections

Week Ended Feb. 27, 2025

Actual (MT)
Expectations (MT)
950,000 - 1,400,000
Export inspections rose 185,005 MT from the previous week’s tally. Inspections are running 31.7% ahead of a year ago, compared to 32.3% ahead last week. USDA projects exports in 2024-25 at 2.450 billion bu., 6.9% above the previous marketing year.
Actual (MT)
Expectations (MT)
250,000 - 550,000
Export inspections rose 1,738 MT from the previous week’s figure. Shipments are running 20.5% ahead of year-ago, compared to 20.7% ahead last week. USDA projects exports in 2024-25 at 850 million bu., up 20.2% from the previous marketing year.
Actual (MT)
Expectations (MT)
350,000 - 975,000
Export inspections declined 183,457 MT from the previous week’s tally. Inspections are running 9.6% ahead of a year ago, compared to 11.3% ahead last week. USDA’s 2024-25 export forecast of 1.825 billion bu., up 7.7% from 2023-24.