Extended weather outlook raises potential red flags for U.S. winter wheat areas

The Seasonal Drought Outlook calls for broad continuation or expansion of drought for most winter wheat areas.

(Pro Farmer)

The 90-day forecast from the National Weather Service (NWS) indicates increased chances of above-normal temperatures and below-normal precip across most of the Central and Southern Plains through December, with the greatest odds of warm and dry weather in southwestern areas of the region. Northern HRW wheat areas are expected to see “equal chances” for temperatures and precip through December. SRW wheat areas are expected to see above-normal temps through the forecast period, with “equal chances” for precip.

As of Sept. 17, USDA estimated 58% of the U.S. winter wheat crop was experiencing drought conditions. Aside from winter wheat areas of the PNW, the Seasonal Drought Outlook calls for broad continuation or expansion of drought in winter wheat areas.

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NWS 90-day temps
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NWS 90-day precip
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Seasonal Drought Outlook