Corn-for-Ethanol Use Down From July but Up From Year-Ago

Corn-for-ethanol use totaled 442.6 million bu. during August, according to USDA.

Corn Harvest - Poet Ethanol Plant - Lindsey Pound 2021
Corn Harvest - Poet Ethanol Plant - Lindsey Pound 2021
(Lindsey Pound)

Corn-for-ethanol use totaled 442.6 million bu. during August, according to USDA, which was down 12.6 million bu. (2.8%) from July but up 12.0 million bu. (2.8%) from last year. The August total brought 2022-23 corn-for-ethanol use to 5.177 billion bu., 18 million bu. less than USDA’s current forecast.

Production of dried distillers grains with solubles slipped to 1.783 million tons from 1.784 million tons in August and was sharply below 1.868 million tons in August 2022.