USDA reported weekly soybean sales of 1.372 MMT during week ended Oct. 12, up 30% from the previous week and 92% from the four-week average. Corn and wheat sales were steady on the week.
Soybean export inspections during week ended Oct. 12 rose over 600,000 MT from the previous week, notably exceeding pre-report estimates. Meanwhile, corn inspections fell short of the expected range.
Weekly wheat sales reached a marketing-year high in week-ended Oct. 5, while soybean sales rose 31% on the week and were up 68% from the four-week average.
USDA’s October production and carryover figures were lower than pre-report estimates, though the most notable miss was the 4 MMT difference in new-crop global soybean carryover vs. expectations.
Weekly corn and soybean inspections are running 10.8% and 8.7% ahead of a year-ago, respectively. Meanwhile, wheat inspections are nearly 29% behind the same time last year.
USDA pegged Sept. 1 corn stocks at 1.361 billion bu., 68 million bu. lower than pre-report expectations and 16 million bu. lower than year-ago. Soybean stocks were above pre-report estimates by 26 mb.