Brent Judish gives you a personalized tour through his third day on the 2023 Pro Farmer Crop Tour.
Chip Flory gives you comparisons to last year and the three-year average for western Iowa - including some perspectives on the “challenges” facing the west-central Iowa corn and bean crops.
Observations from Day 2 of Pro Farmer Crop Tour from Brent Judish
Day 2 results from the Western Leg of the Pro Farmer Crop Tour
Observations from Day 1 of Western Leg of Pro Farmer Crop Tour from Brent Judish
Day 1 results from Chip Flory on the Western Leg of the Pro Farmer Crop Tour
Thoughts from Chip Flory on the Western Leg of the Pro Farmer Crop Tour
Observations from Emily Carolan as she breaks down the data from both legs of the Crop Tour.
Emily highlights key data points from day 1 of the western leg of the Pro Farmer Crop Tour.
Day 1 observations from Brent Judish on the western leg of the Pro Farmer Crop Tour.

Chip Flory

Chip’s hometown of Oxford Junction is in east-central Iowa. His family farm was a typical diversified farm with corn, soybeans, oats, alfalfa, a commercial cattle herd, a farrow-to-finish hog operation and sheep. After graduating from Iowa State University, Chip joined Pro Farmer in January 1988 as a floor reporter for Futures World News. He spent 3 years in Chicago reporting from the floors of the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Chip moved to Pro Farmer headquarters in April 1991, was named editor in 1997 and remained in that role for 17 years. In 2014 he started the P.M. hour of AgriTalk and became the host of both hours of AgriTalk in 2019.